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Interior Design Images

Interior Design and Space Planning

PB ARCHITECTS has succeeded in designing a variety of prize-winning Interior Space Planning projects for locations as varied and distinct as the interior space of the Smith Tower, Adobe corporate offices, Hydroplane Museum, and the multiple-use Admiral Theatre. Plans include retail, residential, and commercial interiors.  PB ARCHITECTS has a track record of superior and award-winning interior design work.



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Adobe Corporate Offices 

Interior Design services for Adobe Software company.

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Hallmark Stores 

Interior and Storefront for 15 Hallmark stores throughout the Northwest.  Ongoing work with a long term client.

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The Broderick Building

Eight stories, 85,000 sq ft. of retail and offices.   Main Entry Lobby and stairway to 6-story atrium, office penthouse, and atrium with seating and deli.  BOMA Historic Restoration Award.

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The Admiral Theatre

26,000 square foot, seating capacity of 1,000 multiple-use facility with emphasis on the performing arts.  Concrete Institute Award Winner.